Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Man on the move

William is a CRAWLER!!! It's so funny to me how I would crawl on the floor with him and prop him up on all fours but every time he would fall on his belly and kick those legs. [I am still predicting he'll be swimmer!] And then one day he crawled a few steps and within days he is ALL over the place. I am trying to remind myself why I wanted him crawling him so badly! :) HA! Gone are days of getting the laundry out of the dryer to find him sitting just where I left him. Hello are the days of finding tiny pieces of glass, cardboard, rubber band, you name it in his hands and going into his mouth.

I didn't do a happy 9 months William so here's the latest...

His stats this month...24 pounds & 29 1/2 inches long! (in the 90th% for height & weight)

[Sporting his sunglasses on Christmas morning!]

He is also pulling up in his crib! I love walking in his room to see that smiling face. I do not love walking in there at 3:00 a.m. because he's standing and he can't get down. [really hoping he figures this "getting down" thing out quickly] But he's getting lots of practice because he is pulling up on everything within reach!

He plays with his toys which is fun for both of us. For a while there, I felt like I was playing with his toys more than him. And sometimes I think he would rather play with computer wires and the mail than any of his toys. :)

He screams [an excited scream, that is] whenever he sees other children, gags when I feed him soft solids [except bananas], Da-Da is his word of choice [still holding out for Ma-Ma], LOVES to bang things together, takes two great naps during the day but still isn't the best sleeper at night, he laughs & giggles, waves his hands in the air, overall a good natured, content child!

[This is his excited scream...playing with his cousin Evie over Christmas!]

LOVE HIM & he's almost 10 months...CRAZY!!!

Happy 2011!!!

love, lauren


  1. william is beautiful! your blog is cute. :-)

  2. oh i forgot to mention that i love art and that my husband is a graphic designer (too) so we're surrounded by it.
