Thursday, December 23, 2010

I’m Back!

I have officially decided December is the worst possible month to move!!! I have been up to my ears in unpacking, getting settled, hanging pictures, rehanging pictures, getting my Christmas decorations up and shopping done, hosting a Happy Birthday Jesus party (which was a hoot!), organizing (no where near finished), addressing Christmas cards (which should have been Happy New Year cards), baking goodies for the new neighbors and looking at the boxes of icicle lights I bought for the house and never hung!

Ahhh, it actually makes me tired just to read that list! Ha! But that's moving for you...and Christmas...and having a child under one! :)

But we are LOVIN’ our new house and it really is starting to feel like home! Oh, I have lots and lots to share…William still isn’t crawling, I started an ETSY shop selling ornaments, I have repurposed some household items thanks to Centsational Girl, William is cutting top teeth and decided sleeping is for the birds, I need to show pics of my Christmas Card frame display (love love love it…Thank you Under the Sycamore), William is almost 10 months (AHHHHHH), and is Christmas really Saturday?!?!?!?!? Why am I trying to blog right now?!?!?!?!?  :)

Merry Christmas!!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Extra Extra

William and I made the Sunday paper!

Last Saturday, My dad and I took William to the LSU homecoming parade. Rebecca was riding on the Chi-O float so we had to go check it out! After the parade, we walked down sorority road to see all the decorations. While we were taking pics in front of one of the sorority houses a guy from the advocate asked if he could take a few. I didn't think I was in the pictures so it was a little surprise for me Sunday morning. I snapped a pic of the paper with my phone...

Oh, and I hit up some garage sales Saturday morning. I was the most excited about these two tiny chairs. How cute are they??? They were each $1!

Beautiful day in Baton Rouge!

love, lauren

Monday, November 15, 2010

8 Months

Yesterday, William turned 8 months old.
At his last doctor's appointment he was 21.8 pounds but I am pretty sure he has gained a little. I can no longer carry him in the car seat carrier. Thankfully, I have an umbrella stroller...don't know what I would do without it! :)

[hmmmm, I'm getting big!]

It's official, I've got a social butterfly on my hands. It doesn't matter where we are...Wal-Mart or the post office, he LOVES any kind of attention! He lights up when people talk to him, he'll give a big grin to anyone willing to share a few words, and he'll kick his feet if he really likes you! He happily goes to just about anyone.

He is a big fan of the great outdoors. Whether we're on a walk, swinging at the park, or just laying on a blanket in the backyard, he is happiest when outside. He is also very happy in the bathtub. The moment he gets in the tub, those little legs start kicking!

He doesn't roll over much during "play" time but as soon as I put him in the crib, he is all over the place. He somehow manages to turn in complete circles and go from tummy to back and back to tummy while in his crib. It's always a mystery where he will be when he wakes up from his nap! :) William is not the best sleeper but I am hoping that just means he's like me and doesn't need a lot of sleep! :) [He still hasn't totally adjusted to the time change...we were up at 5 am today and yesterday and the day before that.] He does take great naps. [that probably has something to do with not sleeping great at night]

Baby boy loves to eat. I've introduced some soft solids but he's not real into it just yet! [lots of gagging and it stresses both of us out :)] But he is all about the baby food! He enjoys time in his exersaucer and the bouncy horse and it doesn't matter what toy I give him, he'll find the tag [if it has one] and suck on that. Still waiting on ma-ma. Babbling consists of da-da and tis and his screams [talking screams not crying screams...but both are very loud! :)]

The first photo session with the giraffe didn't really work out...he not only has remnants of food all over his face but he was also in desperate need of a nap! :) The second photo session went a little better. He's starting to move a lot more so taking these cute little pics is getting difficult.

Happy 8 Months William! We love you lots and lots!!

love, lauren

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I always have the most interesting conversations with complete strangers in public places. Yesterday, William and I took a little trip to Hobby Lobby. Standing in a very long line to check out, I started chatting with the guy behind me. Turns out he is a doctor in the NICU at Woman's Hospital. I was instantly brought back to the 10 days we spent in the Special Care Nursery after William was born. I asked him if he remembered the "false" positive flu test outbreak in the Nursery back in March. He grinned and said, "Oh, yes!"

Thinking back on that week, I was reminded of God's unfailing grace. I was brought to my knees over and over that week. It started with William having fluid in his lungs when he was born. He was on oxygen for a few days and, although this is very common, it was not what I expected...brought to my knees. Four days into our stay, Adam wasn't feeling great and ended up having the flu! [of course this would happen the week I had the baby!] But I wasn't worried about William AT ALL because I got the flu shot when I was pregnant. I told the nurses about Adam and they gave William a was positive. [I was a disaster...brought to my knees.] They started testing the other babies in the nursery and 8 out of the 10 came back positive. [I was a basket case...brought to me knees.] A VERY LONG 24 hours later, we found out all the tests were "false" positives. No one had the flu [except Adam...and he was quarantined in our condo]. I took this opportunity to praise God rather than lash out at the hospital [although it was quite tempting]! William came home two days later 100% healthy!

[William in the Special Care Nursery]

I was a reminded yesterday, while talking with this doctor, of the mighty God we serve! A verse from Isaiah came to mind...

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior..." Isaiah 43:1-3

On a much lighter note, have you seen Fiddler on the Roof? My dad and I watched it last night [I didn't make it through all three hours of it]. But I have been singing Matchmaker all day! :)

love, lauren

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All I wanted was an oil change.

Have you been to Tuesday Morning on Tuesday morning??? Once a month [it might be just a few times a year] they release a bunch of new items on Tuesday morning. [no surprise on that one :)] I didn't make it out there this Tuesday but my mom did and got William a train table [i love love love it] and a dump truck comforter. Minor problem, the comforter was a full and we needed a twin.

So, I loaded up the babe this morning and went across town to Tuesday Morning hoping they had a twin. Problemo #2...I got there at 9:00 a.m. on the dot but they didn't open til 10:00 [ahhhh, this is not good when you have a 7 month old who needs a nap at 10]. I happen to need an oil change and there was a Firestone across the street so I thought I could check that off my to-do list. This is where things get interesting and WIERD!!!

I'm in the waiting room holding William and talking to another guy waiting on his car. He had a one-year-old and three-year-old (who were not with him) and we were talking all things baby [night feedings, height/weight percentiles, schedules, he was really into it]. This is where it gets weird...he asks me... "Don't mind my asking, and I don't mean to offend, but are you breast feeding?" WHAT?!?!?!?!? Did he really just ask me this in the Firestone waiting room???

You would think that would be enough awkwardness for one sitting?!?! Oh no, I had one more awkward weird encounter! I go to actually check out and the Firestone cashier looks down at William and says, "Man, you are a big guy! I bet you hurt coming out!" WHAT?!?!?!?!? Where are the hidden this for real? :)

Without a doubt, the strangest experience I have had while getting an oil change. The only positive of this experience [I guess you could call it positive?] was that it took an hour so I got to go to Tuesday Morning. BUT you guessed it, problemo #3...NO TWIN COMFORTER!!!!!

All I have to say is what a Wednesday morning!!! :) I laughed out loud in my car most of the way home!

Oh, and here's a pic of my little man in his mickey onesie! :)

love, lauren

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I got crafty...

Last week, the craft bug bit me...BAD!!! :) I haven't really been able to get crafty since William was born [the time issue] and because we were living in an upstairs condo [the space issue]. So now that we're at my parents house, I've got plenty of room to spread out [i.e. make a HUGE mess] and William always has someone to hang out with! [DOUBLE yay!!!]

A few months ago, Under the Sycamore posted a tutorial for a message board using an old frame and chicken wire. I LOVED the idea and decided this would be a great way to display Christmas cards. I've had this ugly framed mirror forever but never wanted to get rid of it. I knew I could do something with it! Here is my before, during & after shots.

Now I'm hoping I actually get to use it this year! :) [Or I guess it will be hanging in my parents house!]

I also made a few onesies for William. I found a tutorial on freezer paper stenciling. I couldn't believe it actually worked!!! And since he giggles every time we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I thought he needed a little Mickey onesie.

I painted another Mickey with the cut out pieces but it didn't turn out nearly as good.

I can't wait to have the space where I can do all my crafting!

love, lauren

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homeless and HAPPY

As of last weekend, we are officially homeless...and we couldn't be happier about it! We were living in a condo on the second floor and carrying a 22 pounder up a flight of stairs several times a day was just too much! So we loaded everything up in a POD and bid farewell to #801.

Right now we are living with my parents (LOVE them) and house hunting. There are several reasons why I don't mind being displaced...the #1 reason would be all the willing hands to hold baby boy, but a real close second would be the sidewalks for afternoon strolls, coffee always brewing (thanks to Kyle), fellow late night peeps (my fam stays up late), heated games of badminton, morning coffee with my mom...the list could go on and on! :)

Adam and my dad beat us twice last night...yikes. My swing is a little rusty!

And I had to share this pic...we were walking around the neighborhood and saw this sign a few houses down. I just don't know what I think about this! :)

Happy Halloween from the little skeleton!

love, lauren

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby Preparedness

Have you gone to the gym without your tennis shoes? [sadly, yes] The grocery store without your wallet? [yes again and it was really awkward & embarrassing] So why am I surprised when I go ANYWHERE without the baby necessities?!?

Last week I showed up to my morning bible study without William’s bag. It’s not like I forgot the bottle or the diapers or the nunni or the nunni clip…I forgot the entire bag! How is that possible at this point; I have been doing this for seven months! Several friends came to the rescue and shared diapers, wipes, even a bottle with the 100% unprepared mother! :)

Learn my lesson??? Not yet! Friday night was a similar experience. We went to Johnny’s Pizza with some friends and their kiddos. This time I was more like 25% unprepared! :) [getting better!] I had his bag, a nunni, toys, but no bottle. In my defense, I fed him right before we left but you always end up staying out longer than planned! :)

All in all, we had great weekend! Here’s a few pics…

And a few more pics from seven months with the giraffe...

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ…” Ephesians 3:17-18

Oh, how He LOVES us!

love, lauren

Friday, October 15, 2010

William, 7 Months

Yesterday marked 7 months for my little man.
He is 21.8 pounds and 27 ¼ inches long.

This week one of his bottom teeth popped out. You can barely see it but I know it’s there! :) And the one right next to it is about to break through. This meant two sleepless nights for me but I can’t wait to get some good pictures of those little suckers!

I spy a little tooth. :)

He just started sucking on his top lip and it cracks me up…he looks like a paw paw when he does it.

Still not a big roller. He’ll do it but it’s not something he does for fun. But he sits up like it’s nobody’s business. Go William!

First real babbling goes to the dad…yep, he LOVES to say da-da! He also likes to say tis. This is how our conversation goes…

Me: “Whatcha thinking about this morning?”

William: “da-da-da-da-da-da [crescendo style] tis-tis-tis-tis [softly] AHHHHHHHH [pretty much an all out scream followed by giggles]!”

That’s how he responds to all my questions…and I LOVE hearing it every time. I can’t wait for ma-ma to be added to the mix.

His favorite song is Wheels on the Bus, favorite foods are Yo-Baby with the fruit/veggie mix and oatmeal with pears and cinnamon [he’s got a sweet tooth like his mama], is turning into a giggle machine [I found those tickle spots], likes to get out of the house as much as I do, grabs things and doesn’t let go, has figured out how to put his nunni back in his mouth and holds his bottle by himself [*tear* he's growing up], takes decent naps, goes down for the night between 7 and 8. Oh, and he has mastered the fake cough! :)

He is becoming more of a little boy everyday.

It’s FRIDAY!!!

love, lauren

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Internet Debut

Before I decided to stay home with William, I was an elementary art teacher. I LOVED my job! I loved my job so much I would do my lesson plans for the entire year over the summer! [is that embarrassing?!?] That had a lot to do with no child to tend to and a little too much free time on my hands. [aahhhh, long gone are the days of free time]

Anywho, while I was on maternity leave last school year, I got a very interesting phone call from my principal. She informed me Forest Heights was selected by the Department of Education showcasing the positive aspects of public education. She wanted me to come back and teach a class for the filming (which was done by the History Channel). I couldn't pass up this opportunity! Here is part of the article from the US Department of Education’s website…

“This week, the Department of Education released a video about a remarkable public elementary school that combines the art of learning with the learning of art. Produced for ED by the History Channel, the new video tells the story of Forest Heights Academy of Excellence in Baton Rouge, Louisiana—an award-winning public magnet school where students excel in both academics and the performing and the visual arts…”

AND…here is the video! I have the tiniest little part around 1:16.

Hubs keeps telling me, “I love map” [we quote Anchorman] :) And apparently I didn’t have any good sound bites to put in the video! [this makes me laugh] In my defense…I had been on maternity leave for 6 weeks, had been up several times the night before feeding the babe and I had to teach in front of a “real” film crew! I admit…I was nervous.

All to say, I thought the video turned out SOOO great and I’m so proud of all the great things going on at Forest Heights!!!

It’s Tuesday…and it feels like summer again, eh!

love, lauren

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Somebody is getting BIG! :)

This week William had his 6 month pictures. I was so happy with his newborn pics and was really looking forward to his next photo shoot. (I did a package where he gets newborn, 6 month, and one year pictures.) Side note…I have come to terms with the fact that picture days are only going to get more difficult with time! So, I am getting the little stinker dressed Tuesday morning and the planned outfit is now to small. AHHHHH!!! [this is a frustrated scream, not a sigh of relief] He wore it to church two weeks ago and it never crossed my mind to try it on again. I tried a couple other outfits but nothing was working. On top of this, I had planned to take a few pics with him…that didn’t happen! I barely made it out the door with make-up on. No mommy pics this go round!

Considering all the pre-pictures drama…the shoot itself could not have gone any better. He smiled like a champ in his “unsnapped” outfit! Of course, I had to do some tucking and the photographer had to position herself to keep the diaper out. And then we lost the outfit altogether and took some naked shots! LOVED those! (I know he’ll hate me later for them but that booty is too cute!)

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

My little boy is getting too big!!! [Hmmmm, I wonder if his overalls will fit next week???]

love, lauren

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun with iMovie

William got so tickled last night after dinner. I was so happy to have my phone right there and capture his little giggles. And I just couldn’t help myself so I brought into iMovie and had some fun.

Happy Saturday!

love, lauren

Friday, October 1, 2010

Almost There

It has been a VERY long two weeks. It looked something like this…

William coughs. I wake up. William coughs again. I wake up again.

Two weeks of this nastiness! But…we’re almost there! We are so close to complete wellness, and just in time for the real sick season! :)

In other William news, his love for mum-mums started this week. To be completely honest, I don’t know who enjoys mum-mums more…me or William?!?! He loves to gnaw on the flavored rice rusks [with the occasional gag] and it’s nice knowing I have something to distract him for twenty minutes if I need to. Sometimes it’s as if he knows when to lose it…I’m on the phone with the insurance people and he decides to practice those lovely new screams. Oh yes, we will always have mum-mums in the house. [I hope he likes them next week!]

LOVED the book club. I can’t believe I have gone this long without being in one. We decided to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay to discuss next month. I’m on the waiting list at the library [laughing]. You know the website People of Wal-Mart? I think I might have to start a website for People of the Library in Baton Rouge. The place was packed and everyone was very unique. I desperately wanted to snap a few pics but I withheld!

We got a special visit from Adam’s grandparents this week. They are the SWEETEST!!!

[they brought us a new friend, Joey:)]

Hot Diggity Dog…It’s FRIDAY!!!

love, lauren

Monday, September 27, 2010

He is sufficient!

We’re still dealing with the croup or at least the aftermath of it, which is this nasty “wet” cough. So we went from a barking seal to an 86-year-old smoker! Regardless, I am exhausted! I have probably gotten 12 hours of sleep in the past week. But in the midst of my exhaustion, I opened Jesus Calling this morning to find…

“When your energy fails you, do not look inward and lament the lack you find there. Look to Me and My sufficiency…Go gently through this day, leaning on Me…Thank me for your neediness, which is building trust-bonds between us.”

God knows. He knows my daily struggles. He knows my shortcomings. Today I have no energy but I know He will provide what I need to get through this day.

I also have a tiny confession…William’s croupy condition is not the only reason I haven’t been sleeping. Two words...HUNGER GAMES! I am joining a book club and our first gathering is tomorrow. And in true Lauren fashion, I didn't get the book until Friday. On my way home from the bookstore, I had figured out how many pages I would need to read each day to finish the book! Oh, that wasn't necessary...I could not put that stickin' book down; it is SOOO good! I am dying to get the second (and third) book but I am forcing myself to wait until we’re done with the croup.

And we’re both going down for afternoon naps today! :)

love, lauren

Saturday, September 25, 2010

JOHN 3 16

Yesterday I did a little shopping with William and the sister. She is one of the only reasons I occasionally appear stylish. Anywho, get home, set down my bag and notice JOHN 3 16 on the bottom of the Forever 21 bag. WHAT?!?!?!? [insert huge smile and giggle]. I am probably the last Christian in America to notice this but I thought it was so awesome!!! I did a little googling and found out Don and Jin Chang, the owners of Forever 21, are devout Christians and wanted a way to demonstrate their faith! I thought about doing the hot dog dance! :)

(excuse the mess on my coffee table)

In not-so-fun news, sweet little William has croup [double boo]. He has been coughing a little this week but I chalked it up to allergies. AND the fact that I have brought him to the doctor three times for a sick visit only to be told… “Ears look great. Chest sounds good. Let’s just watch it.” And all those terrible symptoms disappear by the next day! But I just didn’t like the sound of his coughing and I am so glad we went. It’s nothing serious but we will probably have a few more sleepless nights in the Haddox household. HUGE thank you to Darby who informed me of the freezer remedy…yup, we stood in front of the freezer last night enjoying some cool air! :)

Off to bake cupcakes and cookies for the tailgate!


love, lauren

ps – double boo refers to double rainbow in the sky. Check it out on youtube!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Watch out Bruce Lee

So, I came across Bruce Lee’s killer ping-pong skills through Let me tell you, the man could play ping-pong. I think we may have another Bruce Lee in the makings! :)

[Keep your eye on the ball, William!]

[Swing and a miss…]

[“Is that all you got???”]

[“I WIN!”]

[“Uh, there’s a ping-pong ball stuck on my head!”]

You can never teach them too early, right??? :) He'll be playing with nun chucks before we know it!

It’s the weekend! Woo-Woo!

love, lauren

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Do

Last week, my girl Stacey came to my mom’s house to do my hair. How awesome does this sound?!?! Stacey, who happens to be the sweetest soul you will ever meet, goes to her client’s houses to do their hair. She has the best prices ever and she comes to you! For my sister, who gets highlights, it is the deal of the century!

(Rebecca with AR)
I have already had one person tell me it took seven years off me…that would make me look like a 21 year old! I am embracing the idea that I look like a teen mom.

But I guess it’s a compliment when I felt a lot older yesterday…I took one step closer to the BIG 3-0! Only two more years left in my twenties! Yowza!!

I took William on his first bike ride. He loved it! I think the helmet is still a little big but my dad is in insurance…that says it all! :)

love, lauren