Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Extra Extra

William and I made the Sunday paper!

Last Saturday, My dad and I took William to the LSU homecoming parade. Rebecca was riding on the Chi-O float so we had to go check it out! After the parade, we walked down sorority road to see all the decorations. While we were taking pics in front of one of the sorority houses a guy from the advocate asked if he could take a few. I didn't think I was in the pictures so it was a little surprise for me Sunday morning. I snapped a pic of the paper with my phone...

Oh, and I hit up some garage sales Saturday morning. I was the most excited about these two tiny chairs. How cute are they??? They were each $1!

Beautiful day in Baton Rouge!

love, lauren

1 comment:

  1. CUTE. i'm jealous about those awesome chairs. Please tell me next time you go garage sale(ing). I WILL GO WITH YOU!
