Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the weekend...a little late

We had a great weekend!

Friday was a last minute date night. Those are always the best. Whenever I plan a date night, you-know-who decides he doesn't need an afternoon nap or refuses to eat dinner or gets sick, all of which lead to extreme fussiness and walking out the door with a screaming child in the background. But Friday was none of those things. My brother and his girlfriend surprised us with a little visit and then said take off for dinner and a movie. [cue the choir...HALLELUJAH!] We needed a date night! :) And we opted for ice cream instead of a movie. GREAT night and came home to a sleeping baby! [doesn't get much better than that!] And then we decided to prank call some peeps! :) I know, that is SO highschool but I laughed my rear off! [I'd also like to add this was not mine nor Adam's idea but I certainly did nothing to stop it!]

And Saturday we had a swim party, which was SO much fun! I designed the invitation for Anna Claire's party and I think it might be my favorite so far! SO Anna Claire and just so cute! :)

William had a grand ol' time at the party drinking up the pool water and playing with his little buddies. And then he had more sugar in one sitting than ever before. It was just a cupcake [with LOTS of icing] and an Icee but he consumed it all!

[having a grand ol' time at the party]

[drinking the pool water]

 [let the sugar rush begin...]

And here is where all good things must come to an end...William and I managed to catch a cold in the middle of July. Saturday night, he was up all night. I was up most of the night. And we slept nearly all day Sunday.

We haven't completely recovered but we're real close! :)

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