Last night I was going through old posts and jotting down memories in William's baby book and noticed I have absolutely nothing for several months of his life. And let me tell you... this pregnant brain can't remember what happened yesterday, let alone three months ago.
William is 21 months... Where to start??! He's 27 pounds and just about the pickiest eater ever! [This drives me C-R-A-Z-Y] He will not try anything new or let me feed him anymore. I like his independence but I don't know how to convince him cornbread dressing is good. Ever since the tubes, he has been talking a lot more... his favorite words lately are truck, car, pops and A-Ho (Santa). We've been working very hard on please and thank you... he's getting there! :) All that "terrible two's" talk... it's TRUE! OMG! The boy can throw a temper tantrum... hands up, head back, screaming, temper tantrums. We have not had a public display just yet... I am not looking forward to this experience one bit. He's such a little momma's boy... he runs through the house screaming MOMMY!!! He loves to hide in the pillows on my bed, read books, play timber and fall down, give the more sign, go to BB's house, play outside, it's so fun watching his little personality develop!
So... it's CHRISTMAS!!!! I am just loving every minute of it... the lights, the sounds, all the tasty goodies my friends have brought over! I LOVE this time of the year!!!
Merry Christmas, Friends!!!